S&s Tire

2831 2nd Ave North
Birmingham, 35203-3905
  • SUN
  • MON
    08:00 - 16:00
  • TUE
    08:00 - 16:00
  • WED
    08:00 - 16:00
  • THU
    08:00 - 16:00
  • FRI
    08:00 - 16:00
  • SAT

Choose Firestone Tires

Whether your passion is safety, luxury, adventure, or just staying on budget—let S&s Tire help you pick out the right Firestone tires. Head to your nearby S&s Tire in Birmingham, Alabama, today and get expert advice, world-class tires, and great customer service.

Types of tires

Whether you need mud tires with maximum traction, budget-friendly tires for your teen’s first car, or performance tires to outfit your sporty coupe—let the experts at S&s Tire help you find a Firestone tire that delivers the quality and performance you need. Stop by your nearby S&s Tire in Birmingham, Alabama, today.

Where to buy Firestone Tires

Stay confidently in charge behind the wheel. Stop in to S&s Tire at 2831 2nd Ave North, or give them a call at (205) 714-7035 to set up an appointment for your new Firestone tires. They’ll get you in and out in no time.