Best-one Of Columbus

2304 Hawcreek Ave
Columbus, 47201-4483
  • SUN
  • MON
    07:30 - 17:00
  • TUE
    07:30 - 17:00
  • WED
    07:30 - 17:00
  • THU
    07:30 - 17:00
  • FRI
    07:30 - 17:00
  • SAT
    08:00 - 02:00

Choose Firestone Tires

Whether your passion is safety, luxury, adventure, or just staying on budget—let Best-one Of Columbus help you pick out the right Firestone tires. Head to your nearby Best-one Of Columbus in Columbus, Indiana, today and get expert advice, world-class tires, and great customer service.

Firestone Tire types

From our ultra-tough Transforce tires, engineered to resist wear even against heavy workloads, to our high-performance Firehawk tires, delivering confident handling, speed, and braking—Best-one Of Columbus has the Firestone tires you need. Make an appointment with your nearby Best-one Of Columbus in Columbus, Indiana, or drop in today.

Where to buy Firestone Tires near you

Cruise in to a Firestone dealer near you. Visit Best-one Of Columbus at 2304 Hawcreek Ave, or call (812) 372-0261 to set up an appointment and let the experts help find the right tires for your sedan, coupe, work truck, SUV and more..