Bob Boyd Dodge

2810 N Columbus St
Lancaster, 43130-8128
  • SUN
  • MON
    07:30 - 17:00
  • TUE
    07:30 - 17:00
  • WED
    07:30 - 17:00
  • THU
    07:30 - 17:00
  • FRI
    07:30 - 17:00
  • SAT

Choose Firestone Tires

Whether your passion is safety, luxury, adventure, or just staying on budget—let Bob Boyd Dodge help you pick out the right Firestone tires. Head to your nearby Bob Boyd Dodge in Lancaster, Ohio, today and get expert advice, world-class tires, and great customer service.

Firestone Tire types

From our ultra-tough Transforce tires, engineered to resist wear even against heavy workloads, to our high-performance Firehawk tires, delivering confident handling, speed, and braking—Bob Boyd Dodge has the Firestone tires you need. Make an appointment with your nearby Bob Boyd Dodge in Lancaster, Ohio, or drop in today.

Where to buy Firestone Tires

Stay confidently in charge behind the wheel. Stop in to Bob Boyd Dodge at 2810 N Columbus St, or give them a call at (740) 653-2277 to set up an appointment for your new Firestone tires. They’ll get you in and out in no time.